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A common strategy for fat loss is to remove all the “bad” foods from our diet. No chocolate, no crisps, no meals out, no alcohol and so on. Yes, of course there is initial fat loss, by way of default the person enters a calorie deficit, but how long does this last? Is it sustainable to never again eat chocolate or never again have a night out? Probably not. I for one definitely cannot live without chocolate!!


How many times have you started a “diet” but failed? How many times have you tried cutting certain foods or even food groups? The word “diet” is associated with the term restrictive, you do not need to restrict any food to lose weight.


It is fairly prevalent in the fitness industry to adapt a good food/bad food mind-set. It is probably one of the reasons many people won’t seek help and start a weight loss journey, the fear of no more nights out, I wouldn’t blame them! But I’m here to tell you that you can do both. You can lose weight, get and stay healthy with the inclusion of any foods and nights out. I also practice what I preach!


When it comes to setting up a diet or a nutrition plan choosing nutrient dense foods is most definitely a priority. Health should always be our number one target and the majority of our food should come from healthy sources. Look, if you are someone that can eat only “healthy” based foods for the rest of your life, then good for you, go for it! But from experience I believe the majority of people are similar to myself, we love a night out and a good meal at a restaurant!


Associating foods with the word bad can lead to an unhealthy relationship with food and even eating disorders. I see this every day in my line of work. Remember this, no one food is going to make you healthy, just like no one food will make you unhealthy. 


“Is this food bad for you?” is the most frequently asked question I have received over the years. No one food eaten on its own will be harmful to you. Aim to include foods in your diet rather than exclude. Make sure you choose a variety of foods high in micronutrients, get enough fibre, hit your protein targets and if your goal is weight loss stay within a calorie deficit. If a small portion of your food does come from food with no nutritional value but it helps you with adherence to a calorie deficit then in the long run this will be beneficial.


If a diet portrays a fast, quick, fix or has a fancy name stay away, there are no secrets to weight loss but plenty of selling techniques! No more restrictions, no more failed diets, improved health and accomplish your goals, the easy and sustainable way!

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